Your guide to getting a job in Australia & New Zealand

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So, you’ve decided to make the bold move Down Under? Congratulations! Whether it’s the stunning beaches, friendly locals, or the promise of a fantastic work-life balance, Australia and New Zealand have much to offer. However, before you book that plane ticket, there are crucial steps to consider. To help you navigate the process, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide to ensure a smooth transition to your new life.

For more detailed information and useful links, download the full guide: 6 Steps for Moving to Australia & New Zealand and getting a job.

Australia or New Zealand: Deciding Your Destination

The first decision is to choose between Australia and New Zealand. While both countries boast incredible landscapes and vibrant cultures, there are key differences to consider.

  • Jobs: Australia, being larger with more cities, offers greater career potential and higher wages compared to New Zealand.
  • Expenses: New Zealand tends to be more affordable, with consumer prices, groceries, and rent generally lower than in Australia, especially in cities like Sydney.
  • Lifestyle: Australia’s larger population and bustling cities may mean a faster-paced lifestyle, while New Zealand is often described as having a slower, more relaxed pace of life.

Step 1: Check your eligibility as a skilled worker.

If Australia is your destination, explore the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) and the Skilled Visa Processing Priorities. For New Zealand, use the online Skills Shortage List Checker to determine if your occupation is in demand.

Step 2: Get the appropriate visa.

Knowing you qualify as a skilled worker is great, but navigating the visa process is crucial. Options include securing a visa before job hunting, arranging sponsorship through a job offer, or being transferred by your existing company.

Step 3: Spruce up your CV and LinkedIn.

Adapting your CV and cover letter for the Australian and New Zealand job markets is essential. Ensure they are in good English, concise, and tailored to local expectations.

Step 4: Start applying for jobs.

With your visa sorted and professional documents polished, it’s time to start applying. Register online, apply through job websites, and set up job alerts for new opportunities.

Step 5: Get a job offer.

Remote interviews have become more acceptable, so take advantage of this trend. Inquire about sponsorship during interviews, as companies may be willing to assist in the visa process.

Step 6: Just arrived? Get settled and ready for work.

Congratulations on securing a job! Now, focus on settling in:

  • Set up a tax and bank account.
  • Find a suitable place to live.

This step-by-step guide is just the beginning.

For more detailed information and useful links, download the full guide: 6 Steps for Moving to Australia & New Zealand and Getting a Job. Or you can read our job seeker frequently asked questions.

Embrace the adventure as you embark on this exciting chapter of your life Down Under!