Understanding and utilising the Feel Good Index Report

Understanding and Utilising the Feel Good Recruitment Insights Report

Exciting news! Our 2024 Feel Good Recruitment Insights Report is officially live and ready for download.

This comprehensive 40+ report is your ultimate key to building and finding a workplace where you and your employees can thrive.

To help you maximise this valuable resource, here are our top tips to get you started.

But first, start the Feel Good process by following these steps:

  1. Download your FREE copy of the Feel Good Recruitment Insights Report.
  2. Watch the recording of our live webinar (trust us, there are some golden nuggets you won’t want to miss!)
  3. Read our utilisation tips below.
  4. Reach out to your local Frontline agency for more specific insights into in your market.

So, let’s jump right in.

What is the Feel Good Recruitment Insights Report?

This year’s report is a comprehensive guide into workplace well-being and recruitment trends in Australia and New Zealand. Based on an online survey of over 6,500 workers across ANZ, we’ve combined these insights to provide you with a detailed overview of the current job market and what’s driving workers to stay or leave their jobs. The report is divided into industry-specific findings, with tips for both hiring managers and job seekers.

How Employers Can Utilise the Feel Good Report

  • Enhance Employee Well-Being Programs: Use the insights to develop or improve your well-being programs, ensuring they align with what employees in your industry value most.
  • Improve Retention Strategies: Understand the main reasons employees stay or leave and tailor your retention strategies accordingly to keep top talent.
  • Create Job Ads that Land: Include the top drivers of attraction in your job summary, and key selling points to motivate your ideal candidates to apply.

How Job Seekers Can Utilise the Feel Good Report

  • Identify Ideal Employers: Use the report to discover what to look for in your next employer and how to tell if they will prioritise your well-being.
  • Understand Your Options: Find out what other perks and benefits are out there, get to know what other people in your ideal industry are searching for.
  • Negotiate Better Offers: Use the data on what drives workers to stay in their jobs to negotiate better terms, whether it’s about salary, benefits, or work-life balance.

How Employed Professionals Can Utilise the Feel Good Report

  • Assess Your Current Job Satisfaction: Where do you sit on the love/dislike scale compared to others in your industry? Identify key areas where you might need improvement.
  • Negotiate Better Conditions: Use the data to gain confidence and support your case when negotiating for better working conditions or benefits.
  • Improve Work-Life Balance: Apply the report’s findings to achieve a better work-life balance, ensuring long-term satisfaction in your current role.

Craving More Feel Good Insights?

If you have any lingering questions about the report, your career, hiring strategies or anything in between, don’t hesitate to reach out to your local Frontline agency for a confidential discussion.

Together, we can build a workplace where everyone feels good!