Understanding and utilising the Feel Good Index Report

Understanding and Utilising the Feel Good Recruitment Insights Report

Exciting news! Our 2024 Feel Good Recruitment Insights Report is officially live and ready for download. This comprehensive 40+ report is your ultimate key to building and finding a workplace where you and your employees can thrive. To help you maximise this valuable resource, here are our top tips to get you started. But first,…

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5 ways to enhance the wellbeing of your retail employees

5 ways to enhance the wellbeing of your retail employees

Retail workers are the backbone of the industry, ensuring smooth operations and excellent customer service. This industry also sees a significant amount of casual labour, with many employees juggling multiple jobs. Interestingly, while 85% of retail workers love or like their roles, about 60% remain open to new opportunities. This highlights the urgent need for…

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Top 5 relocation incentives to attract talent

How open are you to relocate for the perfect job?

With talent shortages affecting a lot of companies recently, attracting quality talent often requires thinking outside the box or, in this case, your usual search radius. Fortunately, workers are increasingly open to relocating for the ‘perfect’ job. However, it’s your job as employers to motivate these potential candidates to move for your role by catering…

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