Case Study: How Frontline’s network helped Nweke secure a physiotherapist role in New Zealand

Case Study: How Frontline’s network helped Nweke secure a physiotherapist role in New Zealand

After Nweke, a physiotherapist from Nigeria, submitted his job application via SEEK, Carmeila Dudding, one of our experienced recruiters from Frontline Wellington Health, initiated the process to help him find a job in New Zealand.

But, finding a role in New Zealand as an international physiotherapist is challenging due to the high volume of applicants. For Nweke, based in Nigeria, the time difference added another layer of complexity.

Here’s how Nweke secured a job through Cam’s connections and personalised service.

How Cam provided personalised support throughout the job search process:

  1. There was consistent communication: Cam and Nweke exchanged many emails, WhatsApp calls, and Team catchups to get to know each other and keep updated on the application.
  2. Tapped into existing relationships: Cam reached out to businesses with which she had strong relationships, advocating on Nweke’s behalf.
  3. Helped his application stand out: Aware that Nweke’s application could be lost among many others, Cam ensured that clients received a detailed synopsis and a positive impression of him, thus preventing his CV from being overlooked.
  4. Direct advocacy to businesses: Cam personally spoke to clients when submitting Nweke’s CV, emphasising his skills and mitigating potential biases against international candidates.
  5. Provided expert interview coaching: Cam provided interview preparation tips and guidance to boost Nweke’s confidence and readiness.
  6. Gave insider knowledge: She offered comprehensive insider information about different locations and the specific requirements of various roles.
  7. Ongoing encouragement: Recognising the difficulty of facing rejections, especially for being overqualified, Cam continuously motivated Nweke to keep pushing forward.

The result: A new job!

After an intensive 8-month process, the perfect role emerged and Nweke got the job. Interestingly, the clinical manager at this company was initially a Frontline candidate referred by another successful placement, highlighting the small, interconnected world of recruitment!

Cam’s expert tip for job seekers:

Ensure you apply for roles that match your skill set, or better yet, trust your recruiter to handle the applications. This way, you can make a strong impression and avoid getting lost among other applicants. Always take feedback from unsuccessful interviews to improve for the next opportunity.

Nweke’s review of the recruitment process:

“Honestly, I never believed one person can be calm, understanding, helpful, resourceful, determined and dedicated all at the same time. Carmeila was everything you need in a recruiter, Frontline Recruiters are the best.

Starting from the day I reached out to them, till the day I got a job, they have been with me all the way. It got to a point I almost gave up, Carmeila was there to encourage me to keep pushing. To be honest, she put all her effort in me. Today, I have my job and one of the best offers.

I recommend Frontline Recruiters to anyone that need their help. They are reliable, diligent and always ready to assist you till the end. Thank you Cam. Thank you Frontline Recruiters. You’re the best.”

Looking for your next job? Register your details with us and let our specialists recruiters like Cam find you the perfect role!