Common interview mistakes

The average number of interviews you’ll do before getting that job offer is between 2 and 3. That’s a lot of time trying to make a good impression to a potential employer (or worse, panel of decision-makers). What if you make a slip-up, or say or do the wrong thing? It’s something many candidates worry…

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How to Prepare for a Second Interviewv

You made it through the first round of job interviews, which is a great sign that the job-poster is seriously considering hiring you. Now, your second interview is looming – and the pressure’s on. How can you go in prepared for success and to land that job offer you’re hoping for? We’ve got some great…

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How SHARE and STAR Models Can Enhance Interview Performance

Behavioural questions often pop up during interviews, and it’s important to be prepared for them. They are designed to encourage candidates to talk in detail rather than just give simple one-word or one-sentence answers revealing little about their job suitability. Behavioural questions are open questions – eliciting longer, more thoughtful responses – rather than closed…

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5 questions to ask by the end of an interview

If you think asking questions during an interview is a waste of time, you need to think again. Asking your hirers thoughtful, well-rehearsed questions serves several purposes. It shows you have researched the company and position well. It can leave a lasting impression and even change interview dynamics. It allows you to assess the value…

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5 Mistakes to Avoid after the Interview

One of the worst things about a job interview is waiting to hear if you’ve been successful. You need to keep positive, but don’t want to be over-confident. It can be difficult to find the right mindset and not get lost in speculation. Here are five important mistakes to avoid when negotiating the stressful post-interview…

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